Story & Photos By Andy Berndt

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As part of our ongoing effort to reduce waste wherever possible, Barebones partnered with Burn Boss Studios to reimagine some used, chipped, and otherwise unsellable Enamel mugs. Emma took our mugs & made them into beautiful candles--giving these containers a new life. Our photographer partner, Andy Berdnt, interviewed Emma to learn more about her process. Read the full recap below & learn more about Burn Boss Studios.
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“I think if you were drawn to something in the first place, keep that going. Keep reusing it.” - Emma
A Q&A With Burn Boss Studios

Andy: What excites you about making candles?
Emma: Before I started making candles, when I was purchasing candles, I was always really drawn to the different types of vessels that I would find. I would say, Ooh, this would look really great on my dresser, on my coffee table. So the definite combination of what I do-- where I find unique pieces and make them into candles is what draws me to the process of candle making.

Andy: Why did you start this business?
Emma: I started doing this out of a love of thrifting. I grew up going to garage sales and estate sales with my family and loved finding unique things. As I got older, I realized I had a lot of stuff and needed to find something to do with it. Then I learned about making candles, so figured I could combine the two: find beautiful things and turn them into candles.

Andy: What do you look for when thrifting?
Emma: I love old glassware, different colored glassware, old cocktail glasses, flutes, and just different unique shapes and colors. I also love ceramics and then just vintage anything…sugar bowls, enamel mugs. I love neutral colors and earth tones, but of course, a pop of color and different materials are really fun, too.

Andy: Tell us about your scents.
Emma: I draw a lot of inspiration from nature and the smells of the season. I also like to combine contrasting scents -- something sweet with something not so sweet. I love playing around with different things. Sometimes things don't work out, but it's really fun when they do.

Andy: What’s unique about your candles?
Emma: I love to take things that were lost and forgotten and that would ultimately end up in a landfill and be able to transform them into something new. I also encourage people to do something with the candle after it's done being a candle. Whether that's bringing it back to me for a refill with another candle or using it for a different purpose in their household. I think if you were drawn to something in the first place, keep that going. Keep reusing it.

Andy: What's the story behind "Burn Boss"?
Emma: I came up with the name Burn Boss. It's a nod to my agricultural upbringing. We would do a lot of prescription burns on the different prairie lands we own. You intentionally burn the land to help it come back stronger than it was before. I saw the parallel in what I was doing, finding these old vintage pieces that were kind of lost and forgotten and using fire to bring them back to life and give them a new purpose. And, the person who runs those prescription burns is called a burn boss, so it’s a fitting name!

Andy: Where can folks buy your candles?
Emma: I sell my candles in a few different ways. I have a website where I sell online. I work markets and have partnerships with some local shops in the Twin Cities where I live as well.
Andy: Anything else?
Emma: I am passionate about making this whole process sustainable. All the containers are obviously secondhand and repurposed, but even the little sticker I put on the bottom is compostable and the little candle topper includes wildflower seed paper. (You can plant it and flowers will grow!) That was the big thing with starting this business, I wanted to make sure every piece of it was well thought out and sustainable.
Andy Berndt is a photographer living in St. Paul Minnesota. Never far from the water. Always planning the next adventure.