When you’re adventuring or polishing up the yard, it’s vital to have a reliable pack that you can bring along.
The Harvest & Gathering Bag is a versatile, weather-resistant bag that can truly do it all. The convertible straps allow you to wear it as a backpack, a front pack, or sling across your chest. The gathering bag is made of a paraffin-waxed, weatherproof canvas that resists snags, stains, and raindrops. Plus, the detachable liner inside the bag is watertight, keeping water out - or in, as necessary.

Easy to grab and fill with whatever you need to bring, the Gathering Bag has uses beyond a typical gardening bag. Here are 10 new ways to use the Gathering Bag + tips from Barebones’ sales and marketing employees on their favorite ways to adventure with their waxed canvas companion.
Top 10 Favorite Ways To Use The Gathering Bag
For Days at the Lake or Beach
If you spend your summer afternoons at the water, the gathering bag is about to become your new best friend. Pop in the bag’s liner and toss in wet swimsuits and sandy shoes without fear of leaking. Or, remove the liner with sandy contents inside and rinse it in the water, cleaning everything in one fell swoop. Easy transportation and care makes for a simple and stress-free beach day: open the folded bottom when you’re home and spray out the bag for easy cleanup.
“I spend many of my summer weekends lounging around mountain lakes. While I love a lake day, I hate the sand and mud that comes with it. I use the Gathering bag with the liner to pack in and out anything that will be sitting directly in the sand. I have a fold-down table that fits nicely in the bag with my backpacking chairs and inflatable toys. So at the end of the day, I can throw it all back in the bag and hose it off at home.” - Tory Morrison, Marketing
For Yard Work and Garden Tools
Store your tools and dirty boots without ruining a bag. We recommend you use it without the liner: pack out your gardening tools and remove loose dirt when finished by opening the bottom of the bag and shaking out loose debris.
As a Cooler for Drinks
Nothing like getting to the lake or campsite and realizing you forgot your entire cooler full of beer at home. Not to worry, the Gathering Bag has you covered! Fill the bag with ice and pop in your favorite drinks, or include the liner and add cold water to the ice for a waterproof, leak-free way to transport beverages and snacks. The open top makes for easy grabbing, and unlike a regular cooler, this bag packs flat when empty, taking up minimal packing space. Wear it as a backpack or hold it by the handles, depending on the weight.
“I’m a bit of a minimalist, so I like versatile products and products that pack small. The Gathering bag is exactly that. This baby is an easy cooler solution. Just fill the liner with some ice and throw whatever needs to chill in--the open top allows for a quick grab option!” - Sarah Montague, Marketing
As a Fishing Bag
When you have a live catch, it’s imperative to keep it fresh. Add water to the Gathering Bag and keep your fish, clams, or aquatic greens fresh and healthy. Or, remove the interior lining and place it directly in the water. The bag’s stiff material keeps it propped open, meaning you don’t have to worry about it toppling. Remove the liner and hose it off when home.
To the Dog Park
No two ways about it: dog toys and supplies can get grimy and smelly, even for the tidiest of dog owners. Throw in a leash, favorite toys, and a water bowl to make a hike or a dog park visit simple and hands-free. Plus, the stain-resistant interior and liner can keep you from worrying about ruining a bag (and getting caught in the rain won’t soak everything inside). Pro Tip: Wear the Gathering bag as a backpack for easiest transportation!
"I travel A LOT, which means I am in near-constant search of good dog care! I’ve found that using the Gathering Bag to transport the smelly food, dirty toys, leashes, and bowls makes it easier for my friends to keep track of the various slobbery items while they’re watching the beasts. It’s fantastic to have a durable and convenient option that is easy to transport and that I’m not worried about getting mucked up! I prefer the dark khaki color with the watertight liner. I love wearing it as a backpack." - Odessa Fellows, Sales
For Fresh-Cut Flowers
Go foraging for wildflowers or transport cut blooms to their destination without worrying about smashing delicate buds or wilting. Add a little water into the liner to keep stems hydrated without leaking or tipping - or use the liner to keep damp blooms from leaking into the rest of the bag. Wear the Gathering Bag crossbody for hands-on access or as a backpack to keep delicate greenery protected.
While Grocery Shopping
The sturdy material of the Gathering Bag makes it far more dependable to carry than a flimsy plastic or paper bag. Its water-resistant exterior means that your groceries won’t get ruined by a stray rainstorm, and you can add the interior liner to transport wet produce. Wear it as a backpack for easy carrying, especially if you have stairs to climb; no matter how far you have to go, the thick and sturdy canvas won’t let you down. Plus, the bag opens at the bottom, allowing you to empty your goods on the counter to organize them in your fridge & cabinets.
“I live on the 7th floor of an apartment, so comfort and ease of use is a high priority for me. This bag is particularly helpful when I'm carrying heavy grocery items home. I also love that when you get there, the bottom opens right up, and everything comes right out!” - Ben Mongomery (Monty), Sales
For a Picnic
The Gathering Bag is the perfect size for packing your picnic blanket and all the good eats you’ll need. We recommend initially packing up without the liner, but bring it along to store wet and dirty dishes at the end of your picnic. Pro Tip: Remember to pack your charcuterie board!
For Easy Foraging
The Gathering bag was originally designed for foraging larger items that could be wet. Ideally worn across the body, this bag gives you free rein of your hands, and the stiff material allows you to avoid constantly needing to arrange a floppy, easily snagged bag that crushes the goods you’ve stored inside. Add the liner for a damp or dewy harvest - or use without if you need to easily shake out any leftover dirt.
If you’re looking for a smaller option for mushroom & herb foraging, consider the Foraging Bag. Explore 10 ways to use the Foraging bag.
At the Playground
If you have kids (or you care for them), the Gathering Bag differs from a traditional diaper-bag or backpack in one primary way: it’s extremely easy to clean and is water- and stain-resistant. Use without the liner to store dirty or grimy toys and shoes that can easily be shaken out at home, or add the liner if you’re concerned about damp clothes or spills from liquids. Or, bring along both and keep them separate for double the usage.