The 2021 annual Global Impact Report is an ongoing effort to record and publicly showcase our cause-based initiatives over the year. This report aims to measure the differences we made to people, places, and missions we care deeply about. As our company grows, our give-back initiatives aim to grow with it. We look forward to sharing our successes for years to come.
Beyond B Corp
Barebones is a certified B Corporation. We meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. We focus on long-term solutions that create a positive impact on our employees, our community, and the world. Our philosophy on sustainability is ever-evolving to be better.
In 2021, we committed to reducing the amount of single-use plastics in our packaging by replacing them with more eco-friendly alternatives. Biodegradable bags are now used wherever possible in our packaging, and we continue to innovate product design that do not utilize plastics.
Roots Charter School
Roots Charter High School is a farm-based school in Salt Lake City that helps struggling youth remain in school and graduate. Students learn their curriculum through hands-on gardening and farming. This academic approach of land-stewardship-learning helps students, who might otherwise leave traditional education, develop the knowledge, skills, and ability to live healthy, productive, and sustainable lives.
Over the last six years, Barebones has jumped in wholeheartedly to support Roots service projects, provide mentorship opportunities, and supply financial donations, garden tools, and more.
In 2021, our employees volunteered at the Roots Thanksgiving day lunch, at a service day at the farm, and at the career fair. Employees also donated directly from their paycheck, and Barebones, in partnership with Tifie, donated $75,000 to Root's school program fund.
Unsheltered Friends
We believe in empowering communities to thrive, both locally and internationally. Barebones has a history steeped in philanthropic work and continues to help lift people out of poverty by making donations when resources are available.
$17,000 to Community Action of Utah, $8,000 to the Food & Justice Coalition, and $5,000 to the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake.
Emergency Shelter Donations
The first product ever created by the Barebones design team was the state-of-the-art emergency shelter. This tent continues to be one of the primary assets we provide to communities in need. Emergency shelters create immediate housing for those in disaster-hit areas. They also create temporary medical stations and community health stations for doctors and nurses.
In 2021, in partnership with Tifie, Barebones donated 20 emergency shelters to the Savusavu Foundation in Fiji after Cyclone Yasa and 54 emergency shelters to Direct Relief in Haiti for earthquake relief.
Pakistan Enterprise
The production of our Classic Work Gloves aims to transform communities and build bridges with families in Pakistan. These outdoor gloves are handmade by men and women in local Pakistani villages. Through this cross-cultural enterprise, craftsmen and craftswomen earn living wages that help raise their economic standing and allow them to provide more for their families.
In 2021, we sold more than 45,000 pairs of Classic Work Gloves.
In 2022, we plan to launch additional products within this partnership.
Safer Outdoor Spaces
In February 2021, we started a program to donate $20 from each Limited Edition Hori Hori tool sold to non-profits actively working to make the outdoor spaces in America more accessible and safe for BIPOC. These donations will continue monthly (beyond 2021) until all 2,800+ are sold.
In 2021, we sold over 2,476 LE Hori Hori Ultimate & Sheath and donated funds to two amazing non-profits: Outdoor Afro and Soul Fire Farm.
2476 units sold = $49,520
Employee Volunteer Efforts
Giving back is a key element of our company culture and is at the heart of what we do. Employees are given an additional paid work week each year to volunteer for a non-profit or cause of their choice.

In 2021, we offered over 1,000 employee hours towards volunteer efforts close to our hearts.
Give Back Board
Our company was built on humanitarian efforts and that altruistic energy is contagious. A heartfelt gift to our CEO, the Give Back Board, is a focal point of the office where employees commit to and post good deeds or conscious changes they want to make each year. It is a beacon towards our positive change and doing our best to contribute.