Learning to Embrace Where You Are

Learning to Embrace Where You Are

Posted by Aaron Rains on

In the spring and summer, when wildflowers are at their peak and the world is verdant, gathering flora and fauna is almost instinctive. When winter sets in, many of us lose that impulse. Jenevieve of Wild Flora wants us to reconsider. “I think it's so wonderful to bear in mind season and light when creating and really embrace where you are.

She recently created a stunning installation for Secret Supper using things she foraged in the middle of a Utah winter. Dried leaves, branches, fringed weeds, and sun-baked blonde grasses gave homage to the season. “It felt like it had a soul–and certainly spoke to our winter landscape,” Jenevieve shares. 

“In winter,” she advises, “learn to love the dark, light some candles, eat warm food, go outside even on a cold day and appreciate the beauty of the dried things around you and really embody the season. It won't be around long, and before you know it the whole world will change into a completely new reality with its own set of challenges and benefits.” Her creation will be revealed in an upcoming post. Stay tuned.

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